When recording video games or other programs with high performance OpenGL graphics, make sure the game has V-Sync turned on. The lowest quality setting uses quite a bit less CPU than the highest setting at the expense of some quality, which may not matter in your case. See the Advanced tab in Screenflick's prefs and adjust the quality slider down a bit to affect how much CPU power is needed. Adjust the recording quality in Screenflick's preferences.The smaller the area, the less work Screenflick needs to do resulting in higher recording rates. Use the the smallest screen area you can in the recording.Make sure non-essential background processes using the CPU or hard drive are not running (such as Time Machine, Spotlight, etc).There are three key factors to improving recording performance in Screenflick. How can I get better recording performance? If it does have a setting, set it to "Screenflick Loopback" while recording. Check the program's preferences just in case. A third option which doesn't always exist, is that the program playing audio may have a preference setting for which audio device to play audio to.(After the recording ends, don't forget to change the system output device back to your speakers.) Before starting the program, go into System Preferences and change the system output audio device to "Screenflick Loopback" manually, start the program which will play audio, and then start the recording in Screenflick when you're ready.(The system output device will be Screenflick Loopback and the program will therefore use it.) Launch the program which plays the audio after you start a Screenflick recording.What needs to happen is the program playing audio needs to decide that it should play that audio to the Screenflick Loopback device, rather than your speakers. Some programs unfortunately will play all audio over a specific output device determined when the application launched rather than always using the current system setting which can lead to problems like this. When you start a recording with system audio turned on, Screenflick switches the system-wide default audio output device to the "Screenflick Loopback" virtual audio device, which Screenflick then uses as an input to record audio from. Why isn't audio from this application being recorded?